Supporting Sha’ar HaNegev

Supporting Sha’ar HaNegev

Federation is honored to have nurtured San Diego’s dynamic 25-year relationship with Sha’ar HaNegev, a place many San Diegans consider to be their Jewish “home away from home.” Over the years, Federation has supported the region’s economic development, initiated cultural exchanges, and provided social services for many of Sha’ar HaNevev’s nearly 10,000 residents.

For example, in 2012, Federation celebrated the opening of the Sha’ar HaNegev Educational Village, which educates more than 1,800 K-12 students each year. For many, it is their first exposure to the arts, music, design, and drama. The Village’s Art Center is named in memory of Alexander Joseph Viterbi, son of Erna z”l and Andrew Viterbi.

In September 2023, San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria honored this invaluable partnership by naming Sha’ar HaNegev as an official “Friendship City” to San Diego, a formal diplomatic designation that honors the two communities’ deep history and shared connections.

Emergency Response

Situated just kilometers away from the Gaza border, this peace-driven community exists under constant threat of rocket fire. With an 80-year history of supporting the State of Israel, Federation is one of the only local organizations set up to immediately provide emergency aid when disaster strikes. During the crisis of summer 2014, for example, Federation took the lead in bringing the Jewish community together by raising funds for the Reach Out for Israel Campaign. A record $3.4 million was raised, with over $2 million going directly to Sha’ar HaNegev.

Then on October 7, 2023, this once vibrant region suffered the brunt of the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas on innocent Israeli civilians. Several of the kibbutzim, including Kfar Aza and Nahal Oz, were devastated beyond recognition, with many lives lost – including Sha’ar HaNegev Mayor Ofir Libstein, z”l, a dear friend to many in San Diego – and others taken hostage.

Federation and the San Diego community immediately took action, raising more than $9 million in emergency aid in just a few short weeks. This funding continues to play a significant role in the rebuilding of our beloved Sha’ar HaNegev, while also contributing to relief and recovery efforts across Israel. Ongoing support is also now being made available through Federation’s Annual Campaign. Find more information about these efforts here

Building People-to-People Connections

As a sister city to San Diego, Sha’ar HaNegev plays an important role in strengthening our local bonds and ties to Israel. Direct connections between the people of these communities occur through a variety of contexts and programs, such as youth groups, synagogues and religious school classes, Jewish day schools, birthright trips, Federation donor activities and missions, social media, Jewish summer camps, and subsidies for teen travel opportunities to Israel that include visits to Sha’ar HaNegev. Federation sponsored initiatives like the Gesher Project and Global Ambassador Program also contribute to our ongoing efforts to create lasting interpersonal relationships with our Jewish brothers and sisters in Sha’ar HaNegev.

SouthUp Incubator

The nonprofit SouthUp Incubator is a partnership between community and business leaders from San Diego and Sha’ar HaNegev. It enjoys significant support and involvement from the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council, Jewish Federation of San Diego, Amdocs, Sapir College, Sha’ar HaNegev High School and numerous individual donors from San Diego.

The mission of the incubator is to help create and support a larger entrepreneurial climate and ecosystem in the region, to make Sha’ar HaNegev a recognized startup community, and to promote economic growth and activity within the Sha’ar HaNegev region. Learn more here.

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