Collecting Moments of Hope
September 19, 2024

Dear friends, A week after October 7th, my family and I went to the wedding of the daughter of some of our closest friends, whom we have known for a […]
100 Days.
January 12, 2024

This Sunday marks 100 days. One hundred days since the “Black Sabbath;” since more than 200 Israelis and foreign nationals were taken into Gaza as hostages. One hundred days of […]
Marking One Month
November 11, 2023

Dear Friends, This past week, marking the one-month mark since the October 7 Hamas attack, has brought equal parts inspiration and joy and grief and anger. I want to start […]
A Weekend of Reflection: Shabbat Shalom and G'mar Chatimah Tovah
September 22, 2023

Dear Friends, This week, in preparation for Yom Kippur and the demanding work of teshuvah (repentance), I spent some time looking back at 5783, and all of the communications we […]
Looking Back- 1 Year into the War in Ukraine
February 24, 2023

Dear Friends, It is hard to believe that today marks a full year to the day since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And even more disturbing is that there is […]
Hear Them Roar! Celebrating 50 Years of Lions of Judah.
December 16, 2022

Dear Friends, On Sunday night, we light the first candle of the Menorah, and each night we add light, right through the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. […]
Forging Lasting Connections with Israel
December 13, 2022

Dear Friends, As I prepared my remarks yesterday for last night’s Town Hall on Antisemitism, once again I came back to the need to balance the light with the dark. […]
Creating Light in the Dark
November 4, 2022

Dear Friends, A few weeks ago, Jews around the world started the Torah cycle again, reading Bereshit, the story of creation. Since then, I have been thinking a lot about Or […]
We Stand Together, We Stand With Others
March 11, 2022

Dear Friends, We are undoubtedly in a historic moment as the tragic, unthinkable war in Ukraine plays out before our eyes. The toll on innocent civilians is unbearable; the actions […]
From Darkness to Light: Federation in Action
January 21, 2022

Dear Friends, Last Saturday, we all followed the attack in Colleyville, fearful of the worst possible ending as we also were reminded of our own local past tragedies. Federation and […]