Meet the New Cabinet: Carla Modaino

Federation is proud to invite our newest cadre of Jewish leaders, called NYL Cabinet, to our international organization!

Our first highlight is Carla Modaino of La Jolla.  When asked about how she hopes to impact our community, Carla wrote:

Jewish survival and continuity has to be part miracle and part hard work from all the organizations such as the Jewish Federation that ensure the existence, survival, continuity and triumph of Jews everywhere. I hold great admiration of all the organizations such as this one that not only promote but maintain the Jewish spirit of
community and togetherness.

My hope is that by getting involved, by being further educated, and by being exposed to a number of incredible experiences I will myself be able to have a continuing role in this effort.

The Jewish miracle for me is both the fact that we have survived against all odds. From centuries of persecution and anti-semitism to the founding of Israel and all of the subsequent wars that ensued. The fact that we have organizations such as Federation that make things happen. Make the miracle of Israel and the Jewish people living around the world a possibility. I would be proud to learn and experience what NYL Cabinet has to offer to enable me to become a  more active, a more informed and an even more significant member of my local Jewish community.

Kol HaKavod!


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