My Two Shekels: Cancer-Free

After 6 emergency surgeries in 10 days, to deal with complications arising from unexpected infections, I have returned to the land of the living and am well enough to pen this update. I will keep it brief as it is exceedingly difficult to perform even the simplest task as I regain the ability to walk and breathe on my own.
I am recuperating in the indomitable ICU at the Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center at UCSD. Drs Kaitlyn Kelly and Mark Onaitis are the lead surgeons on my case, and I can honestly say I am in the best hands. Dr. Onaitis has taken the lead on all six surgeries and has performed miracles. My wife, Laura, has been an angel as she cares for our 3-year old, Eleanore, AND me during my recovery.
We remain thankful to all of you for the blessings, prayers, and well wishes – not to mention sustenance and food. Forgive me for not writing more, but I promise to regale you at a later date. What has happened is nothing short of extraordinary. I remain cancer-free and we are so very grateful for everything!