
21 2019

I Have A Tree (MLK Day + Tu Bishvat Day of Service)

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Contact Adam Simon

A Tu Bishvat + MLK Day Service Learning Project for Adults, Teens, & Families; Integrating Jewish Values and Dr. King's Ever-Relevant Dream.

We've partnered with Produce Good, a San Diego based non-profit committed to stopping food waste and alleviating poverty, to organize this day of volunteering, community service, and learning. We'll be working with Produce Good to glean and sort unwanted or surplus fruit from citrus groves in San Diego's North County. The fruit will then be provided to families and individuals who are unable to afford or lack access to fresh produce. Join us as we explore the depths of Tu Bishvat and the timeless Jewish values it teaches us, and as we honor Dr. King's dream of equality for all, regardless of their financial or social station.

Upon request, we can provide written proof of service for schools, companies, or other agencies.

Sponsor: SCY High School