Our Two Shekels

Reflections from the Federation CEO: Tale of Two Regions

In 1999, a year after graduating with my Bachelor’s from the University of Arizona, I spent nearly a year living and doing volunteer work in Israel. Think ‘Israeli Peace Corp’ for North American Jews. The arch of the program was as follows: Three months living in an Immigrant Absorptio…

Destination Sha'ar HaNegev

I am in the midst of preparing for my first trip to Israel as your Federation CEO! 
The purpose of my trip is twofold: 

1) I will join hundreds of leaders and professionals from Jewish communities around the world as we attend The Jewish Federations of North America’s General Assembl…

Our Jewish Community – At Work

After reading our Chair Brian Tauber’s reflections last week, I found myself thinking about the simplicity of the question, WTF (“Why The Federation”)? Brian eloquently stated that “the why” and “the what” of our work hasn’t changed in over a century. He is so right. 

Just …

A Message from Federation's New CEO

In November 1975, more than 1,000 Jews participated in the historic Koach Mission to Israel.  This was my first trip to the Jewish State, but one that sadly, I would not remember. Why was this powerful trip so forgettable? It’s simply because I was not yet born.  

At that time, I was g…