Our Two Shekels

Operation Iron Swords Update 5/16

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Activities

  • Five IDF soldiers were killed and eight were injured (three seriously) as a result of a friendly fire error in Gaza overnight. The soldiers from an ultra-Orthodox unit were inside an abandoned building when an IDF tank force saw their rifle barrels …

Operation Iron Swords Update 5/9

Yom Hazikaron, the Memorial Day for Israel’s fallen, will be marked for this first time since the October 7 attacks this coming Sunday night and Monday. Join the official ceremony in English live from Latrun on Sunday, May 12 at 12:50 pm here.



  • Based on new, concrete intel…

Operation Iron Swords Special Update on Rafah 5/9

Israel’s Rafah Operation and the US Reaction

The US is withholding some arms shipments to Israel in response to the IDF’s operation in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah. Here's what you need to know:



  • Rafah, located on the Egyptian border, is the last major enclave…

Operation Iron Swords Update 5/6

The Latest

  • Major rocket attack in the south kills four Israelis—additional attacks in the north.
  • IDF orders the evacuation of parts of Rafah in apparent preparation for an assault on the city
  • The hostage deal is still undecided



  • While the number of Hamas rocket attack…

Operation Iron Swords Update 5/2

As anti-Israel protests are escalating across college campuses in the United States, the protests have become increasingly antisemitic and have made many Jewish students feel unsafe. Please see the Jewish Federations statement on how these protests are an affront to the civil rights of Jewis…